«Demut gebietend und erhebend zugleich, kaum etwas in der Natur flößt uns soviel Ehrfurcht ein wie der Anblick von Bergen.»
Kofi Annan, ehemaliger UNO-Generalsekretär
Clear winter night.
Diamonds in the Alps.
A walk through forests in wintertimes.
Men worked its way into alpine landscapes.
Two, kind of iconic, buildings near the river Rhine in Chur.
Old and new, modern and traditional, wood, concrete and steel – buildings in Grisons.
A small creek in the mountains and one of the biggest lakes in Grisons.
Some sunbathing cows in the beautiful valley of Domleschg.
A quadruple sample of pristine alpine sceneries.
An autumnal triptych at lake Cresta.
One golden late autumn afternoon over the old town of Chur.
Bright clouds hanging over the valley of Unterengadin and above of Tarasp castle.
The Berninapass between the Engadin and the valley of Poschiavo.